Square One

So most of my previous posts have been removed because my brother-in-law doesn’t want them up anymore, so if you would like to see them, you’ll have to contact me. So now it looks like I haven’t done anything. Oh well, it wasn’t up to date anyway.

The Journey Begins

I’m not gonna lie: I actually don’t mind waiting for a delayed train.Image299

This is something that I’ve come to expect from taking them. For some reason, in fact, they are usually late when I take them. This morning wasn’t so bad, actually. Instead of the scheduled 2:20 am departure, my train arrived and we boarded at about 3:30 am. I was super tired already, but I was pretty chill.

So Lara and I set off on our trip.



I got on the train and there were no double seats left, so I sat next to a sleeping elderly woman, who later woke up. She was coming all the way from North Dakota and going to Wenatchee. She was visiting her twin sister. I never  learned her name.

A lot of people hate the train because the ride is so long. For me, the ride is never long enough. And there is no better way to see certain sites.




Lara and I arrived at about 10 am, and met my sister outside of the train station in Everett.


Today I finally got to spend some quality time with my niece, whom I have only really met once.

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She is 7 months old, and she is hilarious.


“Hey, lemme see that…”




“Oh, hey boys! #LearningAboutDucksFace #IWokeUpThisWay #YOLO”

Then we skyped with my dad for a bit, wherein we discovered Honey-Bunny loves carrots.

My niece’s hair has these two patches on the sides just behind the ears that are like two inches long. Her hair’s never been cut, and it is adorable and funny. So my sister braided the one side, which is thicker than the other, and it became a perfect corkscrew shape. I worked tirelessly until I got the perfect picture to capture this, and when I got it, I felt like I deserve extra points for the face.


And then Honey-Bunny began her career in the photographic arts by taking her first picture with my camera:


It’s a forced-perspective piece.